7 elements of e-learning development strategy

E-learning is getting increasingly popular in the COVID-19 era, so it’s natural to see the growing number of online courses all over the Internet. More than 1.2 billion children are out of the classroom at the moment and it is essential to give them the education they deserve.

But how can you create a sustainable e-learning development strategy? Here are seven elements you need to prepare for!

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Acknowledging your Racism webinar

Aaron Wolfries-Miller and Elliot Newton –  both Psychologists –  led a dynamic and informative conversation about owning and understanding our own racism. Practical, radical and thought provoking

If you missed it but would like to see what happened, a replay video will be available shortly which we can send to you.

If you’d like to learn more about inclusion, our online school has plenty of courses covering all sorts of topics, with an “Acknowledging your Racism” course coming soon

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Communication Partner Training

Do you interact with someone who has a communication impairment? Are you both frustrated when the interaction breaks down or it becomes an interogation instead of a conversation? 
Research has shown that Communication Partner Training is an integral part of non-speech methods of communication – often referred to as Augmentatuve and Alternative Communication (AAC).  Using AAC methods and strategies, can provide more opportunities for greater social participation, and even improve relationships and the inclusion process. 
There are now five online and self pace courses that have been designed to accommodate for a variety of learning styles. Each course includes a slide show complete with activities, cartoons, audio visual illustrations; a referenced document with hyperlinks so that you can read more about topics. And in addition there are resource materials and activities to do on your own or in teams.
To access the information just click on the link below:
You can also participate in any of the webinars that are being held to personally guide you through the course material. Just take a look at

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How To Write Social Stories?

Do you know a child struggling with learning new routines or playing with peers? Do you know a child that finds it hard participating in conversations? Social stories help inform that child what to expect and what is expected of them in such contexts. Early forms of communication relied on icons/images to communicate information in history.

Children with learning disabilities need Social Stories formed with pictures to ease communication. Social Stories also help them manage their everyday life.

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Colin Newton

0115 955 6045

Doug Newton


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