Behaviour Management Training

Consider our behaviour management training

When working with children or young people, one of the hardest parts to manage is their behaviour and your attitude towards it. In order to provide the best possible care and support, it’s important to be open minded and willing to try new strategies to get the best out of them.

At Inclusive Solutions we offer our Behaviour: Fresh Approaches to Behaviour and Relationships to those who wish to learn new strategies for improving behaviour and strengthening relationships.

This workshop will look at the following objectives:

  • Reinforce good practice
  • Learn new skills and processes to make inclusion successful
  • Re-energise, stimulate and challenge thinking about inclusion of challenging young people and children
  • Increased confidence in managing challenging pupils in childcare settings mainstream schools
  • Access to a wider range of practical strategies to impact on behaviour problems
  • Opportunity to reflect on professional attitudes and behaviour towards families and children and young people
  • Increased understanding about behaviour and emotions

This is suitable for childcare providers, teachers, parents, SENCO’s, heads and deputies and can be a worthwhile investment for you and your team.

To speak to us about getting on this, or any other course, follow the steps on our website today.

Contact Us

Colin Newton

0115 955 6045

Suzanne Hawkes

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