EHCP ‘so called’ Person Centred Meetings
Marion expresses my worst fears regarding person centred working with new EHCP processes across the UK and echoes just what I have noticed too….
‘I have now sat in on a few of these EHCP “so called” Person Centred meetings. In most cases the content has stayed exactly the same as the old Annual Review/IEP meeting formats with just the heading in the report changing to Person Centred looking headings. I think the problems stems from legislation being driven through by the Person Centred lobby but completely misunderstood by the beaurocrats who administer local authorities. This results in schools being forced to use Person Centred Language in the headings on their reports but in no way are they putting the person at the centre and the language under the headings remains professionally focussed and medical model. In one way the legislating of a person centred approach seems to have worked against the person centred movement because it means that organisations like Inclusive Solutions, CandLE and others are in danger of getting eased out because of the rhetoric that local authorities can now do person centred support themselves’. Marion Stanton – CandLE
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