Grammatical Rules All Job Seekers Should Learn to Effectively Communicate With Potential Employers

If you’re looking for a job, it’s important to make sure that your communication skills are up to par. After all, you’ll be interacting with potential employers through email and in person, so your grammar must be correct. This blog post will go over some of the most important grammatical rules that job seekers should know. By following these tips, you can ensure that your communication with potential employers is error-free and professional.

Contractions and Abbreviations

When writing a cover letter or email, it’s important to eliminate contractions. While using “can’t” instead of “cannot” may seem like a minor mistake, it can cost you the job. Contractions are not appropriate for professional correspondence and should be avoided at all costs. Always use full words instead of contractions when communicating with potential employers. In the future though, you may need to have a good idea of which is the correct version Cc’d or cc’ed. This way, when you write a letter to request to be copied in an email, you know how to spell it. Rest assured that employers will take notice of your attention to detail.

Another one of the most common mistakes that job seekers make is using abbreviations in their emails and cover letters. While it’s okay to use abbreviations in text messages or when chatting with friends, they should not be used in professional correspondence. Potential employers may not know what some of the abbreviations mean, and this can lead to confusion.

Subject Lines

When writing the subject line of an email, it’s important to be concise and specific. The subject line should give the reader a brief overview of the content of the email. For example, if you’re sending an email to follow up on a job application, you should use the following subject line: “Follow Up Regarding Application for (Job Title) Position.” This will let the potential employer know what your email is about before they even open it. It also shows them that you read and understand their instructions carefully. Keep in mind that some employers may screen emails based on the subject lines, so it’s important to make sure that they’re well written.

Greetings and Signatures

When sending an email to a potential employer, it’s important to use the correct greeting. The most common greetings are “Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms.,” followed by the person’s full name. You should also make sure that your signature includes all of your contact information, such as phone number, email address, and LinkedIn profile if applicable. This will make it easy for potential employers to get in touch with you if they have any questions. More often than not, that contact information is going to be a phone number and an email address.

Spelling Errors

If you’re applying for jobs online, it’s important to make sure that your resume has no spelling errors. It can be tempting to use spell check on your computer or phone before sending out job applications. While these programs are great at catching spelling errors, they won’t catch grammatical mistakes. A more in-depth program can help you find these types of errors before submitting your resume to potential employers. Or better yet, have someone proofread your resume before you send it out. A great tip is to read your resume backward to catch errors that spell check might have missed. This will ensure that spelling mistakes won’t cost you the job.


It’s important to use the correct pronouns when addressing potential employers. Pronouns can be confusing for people who are not familiar with them, so it’s best to avoid using them in professional communication. For example, if you’re writing a cover letter, use “you” instead of “your.” If you’re sending an email to follow up on a job application, use “I/me” instead of “we/us.” This will ensure that your communication is clear and professional. While it’s okay to use pronouns in casual situations, you should always avoid using them when writing to potential employers.


When it comes to punctuation, there are many rules that you should follow. One of the most important is to always use a period at the end of each sentence. This will ensure that your writing is clear and easy to understand. It’s also important to remember that some words require an apostrophe (‘) before or after them depending on where they’re used. For example, the word “its” is possessive and doesn’t require an apostrophe, while the word “it’s” is a contraction of “it is” and requires an apostrophe. There are many other rules when it comes to punctuation, so it’s important to familiarize yourself with them before sending out job applications.

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While there are many grammatical rules that you should know, these are some of the most important ones to remember when communicating with potential employers. By following these tips, you’ll be sure to make a great impression and increase your chances of getting the job.

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