My Voice
My voice is a hot air balloon flying too high for you to hear.
My voice is a room where everyone hugs.
My voice is a candle you can hold in the night.
My voice is a joyful trumpet in an orchestra of sad instruments.
My voice is a single swallow in an empty sky.
My voice is a mouse nibbling on the tired cheese of your conversation.
by Maresa Keith
Here are two links to our store where you can purchase two books, both featuring Maresa’s poetry…
Taking the Time – by Maresa Keith
- OCCASIONAL WRITING BY Maresa MacKeith “I want to talk about us, who can’t talk, taking part in ordinary life. It’s about learning, real learning. It’s about learning who we are, and how we think, and how we can contribute to the wider understanding. Taking the Time is a book that contains the first ever collection of Maresa’s writing from the past decade. If you are looking for writing that will severely challenge your thinking about disability and difference – this is it.
Quiet Riot Collected – Facilitated Fables
- Welcome to this collection of poems, published by Inclusive Solutions, by members of the group that named itself ‘Quiet Riot’. The punning title is typical of their work. Asked about the common threads binding this collection together, Maresa MacKeith, one of the poets collected here, shared her insights on what drives the poetry of Quiet Riot:
A desire to be heard
A love of language
A longing for connection
At times, a frustration with a world that is too quick and too loud
Having a lot to say, but not always with the space to say it