Five reasons why inclusive Education should become a norm

Here for the most, we need to know what inclusive Education is? It means all the children are in the same classroom for the sake of Education in the schools. It provides opportunities to students who have been excluded.  A lot of learning process is coined through this education system. It encourages the involvement and participation of Parents In the child’s education.  It teaches the spirit of cultural and traditional norms in their children.  By participating in the classroom, children learn to accept their Classmates’ mutual understanding, belongings, and respect.  This helps to foster Mutual understanding among them. Other than normal human beings, some exceptional students have the same right to Education which normal beings constitute. Some institutions that make them feel at home comprise Home Care Lakewood, comfort Keepers, Visiting, Angels, and Senior Helpers. As a part of inclusive education, we must focus on the reliability and assurance of these students as well.

 What is the stance of inclusive Education?

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Keys to Inclusion In Action! – SENCO Award

Colin and Derek provide annual training on the SENCO Award course for Nottingham Trent University.

‘Looking back and looking forward’

This video considers the importance of reflecting on our history in terms of peoples views about disability and difference in society. Moving on to the importance of looking ahead when making decisions about children’s lives now.

More information about Keys to Inclusion training here:

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Writing Learning Objectives For Online Training: Essential Steps

When you’re developing a plan for creating online training, you need to know how challenging it can be. Doing everything from scratch means planning the lessons, writing the content, reaching out to potential learners, and putting all of it together. While this may sound like a complex process, it’s quite simple, if you know what you want to achieve. This is why you should write the learning objectives for your online training.

This article breaks down the essential steps for defining your learning objectives and using them to create brilliant online training. 

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Person Centred Planning 2 dayer!



Person Centred Planning using PATH

Facilitated by Colin Newton and Derek Wilson

16th and 17th March 2022

at Peggy’s Skylight, Nottingham


PCP March 2022 form


Join us for 1 or for 2 days ‘hands on’ training about Person Centred Planning in this intriguing Jazz venue in the heart of Nottingham City. We explore the values, tools and processes that can be used with a person not done to or for them. PATH is a respectful planning process that focuses on capacity and contribution.

Our team will be facilitating a training workshop where we take care of you. We’ve created two days of learning that invite creativity, connection, and collaboration. A space that makes you feel welcomed, safe, and valued.

PATH is not simply a ‘SEND’ process, it can be used successfully with disabled or challenging children, young people or adults in a range of situations.

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3 Ways to Practise being in the Present Moment

We often hear the phrase “living in the present” or “being in the here and now” but what does this really mean and how do we go about doing it? When we are overwhelmed and stressed in life it can be more challenging for adults and young people to be in the present moment. But this is where life happens, where we make decisions, where we solve problems, where we connect with loved ones. Being more present can support us to thrive more, helping bring us back to baseline when we are getting lost in the story that we tend to narrate our lives with or allow respite from the crowded headspace that can become all too familiar in young people’s lives. In order to support the wellbeing of young people, it is first important that we understand the barriers to being present as well as learning to navigate the tools ourselves, so that we can effectively communicate them on. 

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Essential Requirements for Being a Social Worker

Social work is one of the most rewarding careers a person can have. It allows you to make a meaningful impact on your community and take care of the most vulnerable people around you. Whether you’re helping children with problem solving skills, or working with disabled individuals, LGBTQ people, or others, there’s a lot to look forward to. Before you become a social worker, you need to meet certain requirements. There are also aspects of your personality that might make you more suited to social work than some others.

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Why Are Certificates Important in the Modern Work Environment?

Organizing certificate training programs for your employees is a time-consuming endeavour. You can avoid this by outsourcing your training programs to a professional organization that specializes in providing compliance and other types of training because the important thing is that the right certificates are acquired. Here’s why…

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Colin Newton

0115 955 6045

Doug Newton

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