Neurodiversity Courses
ADHD – Improving Understanding and Inclusion
Never before have so many children been labelled with ADHD – not just labelled but also given powerful amphetamines as a ‘treatment’. ADHD is described as impacting on school-aged children and resulting in restlessness, impulsive actions, and lack of focus impairing their ability to learn properly.
Autism – Understanding and Including People of all Ages
In this practical workshop session we will explore ways of including people who have been labelled as being on the autism spectrum. The session will be values based and practical and will aim to allow the sharing of experiences and good practice as well promoting innovative approaches to inclusion through the design of best practice.
Autism: How to Include Children in Mainstream Settings
In this practical workshop session we will explore ways of including pupils who have been labelled as being on the autism spectrum. The session will be values based and practical and will aim to allow the sharing of experiences and good practice as well promoting innovative approaches to inclusion through the design of best practice.
Movement Differences
In this workshop we explore how to understand movement differences of those with ADHD/Autism, Tourettes or Cerebral Palsy in a non-medical way. Online course coming soon