Call to action | SEND Review consultation

Have a say in our Government Green Paper response 

ALLFIE is gathering evidence from Disabled students and their allies for our submission to the Government SEND Green Paper Consultation. This includes a series of online roundtable consultation events during May. We’re delighted to announce the dates and invite you to join – please register below. 
We also encourage ALL to please attend the Department of Education discussion with government ministers on 10 May:

Parents: 3rd May 11am – 1pm
Teachers: 3rd May 6pm – 8pm
Legal experts: 6th May 6pm – 8pm
Department for Education: 10th May 11am – 1pm
Members: 17th May 11am – 1pm
Schools, colleges & nurseries: 18th May 6 – 8pm


More information:

Thank you for supporting our SEND Review campaign for inclusive education! Please contact ALLFIE team with any questions, we welcome all contributions.

In solidarity

Contact Us

Colin Newton

0115 955 6045

Suzanne Hawkes

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