Feedback from our latest training sessions
Fresh Approaches to Behaviour and Relationships
Behaviour and Relationships in Northern Ireland
Behaviour & Relationships in Arnold, Nottingham, 2017
West Training & Development Ltd., Galway Feedback
Great – enjoyed the interaction and the joining in.Just to say I really LOVED the training today-the best training I have been on in ages-really high quality training with very interesting and creative trainers. Fantastic. Will be helpful to me with my son and also in my work as a social worker.Used language that was easy to understand.Excellent content and delivery. Really gave me food for thought regarding my own practice. I will see challenging behaviour in a new light.I will be using the circle of courage principles to underpin my values in working with pupils.I plan to use the circle of courage to evaluate and each child’s emotional and environmental position.Plan to try harder to reach out to children with challenging behaviour and support them better.Impact – incorporate ‘encouragement menus’ in our behaviour plans.I will take this back to our staff meeting – particularly the way we deal with behaviour, and use to demonstrate to staff.Excellent and thought provoking (impact – to update my team on emotional intelligence – their own!)Impact – to look further into reasons behind behaviour and everyone’s reactions.“We are privileged and delighted that Colin and Derek are returning to Galway to work with us. The training event in April was a truly amazing learning experience for us as trainers. For those of you who have not had the opportunity to participate so far – you don’t know what you’ve been missing!”Breda Lymer, West Training & Development Ltd., Galway.Fresh Approaches to Behaviour Training in Prague
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Keys to Inclusion - SEMH school
Keys to Inclusion - SEMH school
The key speakers were really thought provoking.
They were fantastic!
I really enjoyed the introductory session with Derek and Colin. I felt the way it was presented taught us a great deal about ‘thinking outside the box’ in terms of inclusion.
Excellent presentation – lots of active participation. Colin and Derek involved us and kept us motivated.
Reaffirmed my values and principles re inclusion.
This was very useful for making us think from the child’s point of view.
Impact – more preparation to welcome families more effectively.
Learnt to go right back to basics and not to judge people.
Very well presented – passionate and thought provoking.
The enthusiasm of the presenters was inspiring.
This was very interesting and made me very reflective.
Keys to Inclusion - Nottingham Trent University
Keys to Inclusion - Nottingham Trent University
‘An unforgettable day’, ‘The vision we all dreamed of today is not a possibility but a reality if we all work together and support each other’
‘The whole day had a big impact on my day to day attitudes, responsibilities and awareness of the community around me’
‘Visual and auditory aids were particularly interesting’, ‘Being able to share views and opinions on what it means to run an inclusive provision/setting’
‘Reflecting on the meaning of inclusion, I was able to visualize the past and the focus of future work’, ‘I have learnt a lot about people, team work, friendship, and kindness and strength together’,‘Extremely inspiring’!
Person Centred Planning
Person Centred Planning
There were also several responses of ‘nothing’ when asked how we could make this course even better.‘Excellent training!’, ‘Fantastic course – inspiring leaders’.’I feel I have developed my knowledge and skills and the information provided will inform my future SENCo ethos, ‘Very insightful and informative’.
Group PATHs
Group PATHs
PATHs for individuals
PATHs for individuals
Understanding Needs for Children with Autism
Understanding Needs for Children with Autism
“Thank you so much for an excellent two days. I was especially moved by the second evening and all that the team brought to it. I don’t think I could ever have created a vision like that alone or earlier in my time at the school.”
Restorative Justice
Restorative Justice
Thanks for your work with us -much appreciated! All the best!-Patsy Wagner
‘I have just done a rough count of children who have been involved in Restorative Conferences since we completed our training with you and I am up to about 100 children. We have also had about 12 parents involved in conferences. We are using the language so much it is second nature and there have been many more children who have benefited from this I’m sure! We are really pleased with how it is going and just this week me and Jane Cunningham (Head Teacher) have held a couple of really successful conferences where the children have been so on board and positive at the end of the process it has confirmed to us that we are doing the right thing! We have had times when we doubt what we are doing because we are still struggling to get some staff on board but luckily we have been able to remind each other of our successes! We both agree that your training was very inspiring and would like to thank you for that! We will keep chipping away at everyone! Thanks again-Alison Holmes, Relationship Manager, Seaview Primary
Feedback from a Secondary Head after a day on behaviour and relationships with the full secondary staff team:Thank you so much for the excellent training day you delivered last week. I found the whole experience quite uplifting and inspirational.I have always been a great believer in the restorative approach to behaviour management and you provided the evidence that it actually works. The day gave all the staff food for thought and I hope they will now begin to use this approach more.There was already evidence on the first day of school for pupils that staff were adopting a different approach. Thank you so much for helping us to make a difference.
And from the deputy head:Today has to have been one of the very best INSET days I have personally been to – full of practical tips and techniques to use in the classroom; and also proof that this approach does work in practice. It really was inspirational and an excellent start to the term.Feedback from secondary teacher after whole Secondary school INSET day:Although I spoke to Derek right after the course, to express my thanks and offer some immediate feedback, I feel compelled to write to offer a little more of both. I personally found the whole day immensely rewarding; I often enjoy good INSET days and I am always seeking new sources of inspiration, but, as you revealed early on, many of my colleagues do not share my enthusiasm for such activities. The sustained applause at the end of the session was indeed a powerful testament to the breadth of your ‘reach’ throughout the staff; I have never known such a full and ringing endorsement of a staff development session, as I said afterwards to Derek. It was only later on in the afternoon, in the staffroom, that I became increasing aware of how wide and how deep the immediate effects were. I heard no negative feedback at all and people who rarely express positive sentiments about anything to do with staff training were engaged in active discussion about the positive feelings which had been released by your input that day. Several of us ‘old guard’ agreed that we had not witnessed such uplifting staff reaction to anything for a very long time. “It’s just like the old days, when we all used to have so much more fun!” said a particularly valued colleague. Thinking back, it was also very noticeable that there was so much discussion during the breaks in the day about the course; this is also relatively rare in my experience. I have no doubt that your course will have much more impact in the longer term. I could go on to list all the aspects of your course which made it so successful, but I think you are well aware of these already. I will just offer two bits of feedback which were not appropriate to give at the time:We found it painfully difficult to come up with a title for the “vision” and what we arrived at was unsatisfactory. Perhaps this was partly because we were trying to label something at the start of the process, before any of us knew what it was going to be. (This was about the only thing which niggled me during the day) On a purely personal note I was really shocked that there was so little true idealism (as I would define it) in people’s vision of an ‘ideal’ future. My older colleagues tell me that few people bring any idealism into teaching today, which would greatly sadden me if it were true. That activity would seem to bear this out (but perhaps there is a more straightforward explanation why so many things suggested were pragmatic rather than idealistic?)I’ve taken enough of your time. I’d just like to say a really sincere THANK YOU to both of you.
Creating "Circles of Friends"
Creating "Circles of Friends"
“In an intact group the pool of shared understandings is like a shared bank account of the group wealth”
The course has made me think that everyone feels excluded at some time in their life, including me. Previously I have thought disability and inclusion is something that is happening around me and this course has made me realise I am a big part of that, particularly with my family and friends.
Having a good circle of friends myself it has made me understand what it must feel like to have that circle taken away. Therefore, I will in future not judge anyone and make more of an effort to find out people’s thoughts and feelings both in my work and my private life and offer help to school and encourage people to attend future Kindred Spirits courses.
It makes me want to go out there and get a more ‘hands on’ job with children. I regret not training to be a teacher.
The Circle of Friends day was brilliant and I feel like going out to every school and enforcing them everywhere!
I shall be going home and telling my 8 year old son all about it and I hope he’ll spread the word to his teachers.
Dear Colin and Derek, many people have helped me with my problems over the years, but no-one has helped me as much as you (and The Circle) have. Without the Circle (Your own very brilliant invention), I don’t think I’d have made it into year 11 let alone the sixth form. The Circle has taught me much about respecting other people and their wishes and now I send my respect to you, Colin and Derek. Thank you very much for the Circle.
Circle of Adults training
Circle of Adults training
Hostage Negotiation & Meeting Social & Emotional Needs
Hostage Negotiation & Meeting Social & Emotional Needs
“A fantastic day. Feel very motivated and happy. I wish all training could be like this”
“Fantastic visual, entertaining, great informative session”
There hasn’t been a single negative during the course – absolutely fantastic!”
“Really enjoyable and very informative”
“Wow, fantastic course. Well delivered. Lovely not using death by PowerPoint. Everyone worked as a team. Fun, useful, knowledgeable.”
“I wasn’t sure what to expect before arriving and found the day fantastic, eye opening and really inspiring”
“I found it inspirational – fantastic speakers, very interactive”
“Really enjoyed this seminar. It was fun but also offered me a lot of ideas”
“Fun, interesting and knowledgeable”
“Fantastic and motivating day – excellent speakers with an immaculate presentation!”
“Inspirational, a fun and informative way to spend a Saturday. Lots to take back to the team. More please!”
Conference Feedback
Keynote Speech
Childminders Conference
Heading for inclusion: Conference
Teaching Assistants Conference
More Feedback
Community Circles
Community Circles
“it is a meeting which is free with food and drink and where able and disabled people come together completely equally and help each other in all sorts of little and big ways […]this meets one of the greatest needs of the disabled person: to be able to help and to give. Also in the meeting there is a chance to share in two’s good things and needs in a respectful way. Thank you again for a lovely uplifting experience.”
“I really enjoyed the gathering [community circle] and it just highlighted what inclusion is all about. I have never seen it so brilliantly demonstrated; it was as if a veil had been lifted from my eyes.”
Working with Parents
Working with Parents
‘Just to say thanks very much for organising the workshop sessions with Colin Newton and Derek Wilson. I’ve been feeling a bit at the end of my tether with my son lately and had a few “light-bulb” moments in the session yesterday so thanks to everyone involved.’Kate Newton, Parent
‘Fantastic, brilliant, enlightening, helpful, thought provoking, comforting are just some of the adjectives that just trip of my tongue when I begin writing this. My son is now 7 years old and was diagnosed 3 years ago with ASD/ADHA and with all the professionals and books I’ve read, this is the first time I’ve found a session i.e. something informative which speaks to the core of me – who I am – whom I think I should be and whom I want to be in the life of my son. The session has given me a foundation with which to build, grow and share. It has enabled me as a mother of a disabled child and my husband, dad of a disabled child, to begin a journey of being on the same page. In all our years knowing our son has a condition, these are the only two professionals who got us to agree on what’s acceptable. Alas I am not perfect so I most definitely and sincerely pray we have more of Derrick and Colin to help myself and others to find the correct tools which will aid us in dotting all the i’s and crossing the t’s in the lives of our children and most definitely as families. Derrick and Colin delivered perfectly and their method of delivery was so good, the impact was just phenomenal. More, more, more is what I say!! Thank you Seely, for making this so possible and I am praying that we will definitely have more. God bless!!’Tetla Hunter, Parent
‘The workshop ‘Emotional Needs for Children’ was really brilliant. I learnt more new ideas about children’s behaviour. These workshops are helpful for parents to deal with Children’s behaviour. I enjoyed it and it encouraged me. I want to attend more activities like these – Thanks.’Fozia, Parent
‘The workshop ‘Emotional Needs for Children’ was really good and brilliant. I learnt a lot from that. I think we should have more workshops like this so we can learn more and more useful things.’Shamriza, Parent and MDS
‘Really great group of people – felt comfortable to speak out to ask for others opinions/ideas.Made me feel that I was in the same boat as everyone else – just slightly different challenges as parents.Explained really well in simple language – what children’s emotions/behaviours look like – and that – normal!!!Made me feel more confident as new parent! And provided some really great advice practical ideas to help kids deal with loss and emotions i.e. anger. Enabled me to make new connections/friendships.’Michele, Parent‘It was good to recap things you do know because it reinforces your ideas. It helped me to link things together like understanding the underlying emotional needs. It was great to tighten up my thinking and make it clearer.’Daljit, TA‘I am the mum who had the privilege of introducing my lovable ten year old son before the participants at the powerful course organised by Inclusive Solutions. I do wish that more such professionals, as well as more parents, can be given the opportunity to attend such courses, which challenge non-inclusive beliefs. My intention is to promote your educational ethos for inclusion across the board, with all of the SEN professionals that work with my son, as well as non-inclusive schools, parents and any others disabled by their disabling views. I look forward to implementing Circle of Friends at my son’s school in the near future, as well as MAP and PATH.’A Parent from Wimbledon“I will speak to the Head Teacher later during the day and impress upon her the inspiring work done by Inclusive Solutions. We need your magic wand to transform the mindsets of countless professionals, parents and teachers, both in this country and abroad.”A Parent from India Legal Work:‘Your report is brilliant. my advocate is very impressed. When it is put into court it will show up the false reports and incompetent reports of all of the fake “expert witnesses”. There are a number of important principles in your report writing (taking advice from parents, pursuit of the child’s interest first and foremost as opposed to that of the authority involved) that of which hopefully the Judge and LEA will take notice“Made me more aware of how to approach parents and carers”,
“It couldn’t have been improved. All the speakers were good”,
“I’ll have a more positive approach to welcoming people”
“It will encourage us as practitioners to listen and think a little more”
“We have so much more to put into practice as a result of the day”
“Lots of ideas to take back to my setting”
“Made me more aware of how to work with parents effectively”
“Will go back to my setting with a more positive attitude”
International Training
International Training
I am a Greek secondary school teacher who attended the seminar that Derek Wilson and Colin Newton gave at Piraeus at Kaiti Laskaridou’s Libary on the 29th and 30th of March and I was really impressed. I have attended many courses of a similar kind but none was so well organised and so well understood.
‘The work of Inclusive Solutions was for me, the most memorable and dynamic. Their success was in making me really feel for those that are disabled in any way and the importance of caring enough to be active in creating systems/solutions with them and on their behalf.’
Feedback from a Group of Czech Participants after three days working with Colin and Derek in Prague on Person Centred Planning and Social Inclusion
Other examples of international training include; Italy, Malta, Bosnia, Prague, and Ukraine to name a few.
‘Very powerful in terms of getting the message across’
‘A thought seeking workshop with lots of interesting things to do’
‘Some parts were heart-rending but thought provoking. Excellent’
‘It challenged my heart and mind’
‘An excellent, powerful, challenging workshop. WOW!’
‘I started the day tired and jaded, not wanting to be there. I’m leaving motivated and inspired, to look at and make changes both personally and professionally.’
‘Very good, very clear, and personal life experience added that third dimension which made it really, and extremely self reflective.’
‘Very good, hard hitting, emotional… need more training like this. Best one of the embracing children’s needs days and the only one to do disability.’
‘It will take time before I reply – but on at a personal note I have felt reassured that more people are moving forward in the right direction.’
‘I have felt very involved, and have taken away a lot to think about.’
‘Made me think a lot deeper than usual.
‘Very rewarding, helps you to tune in to your own emotions
‘Content was excellent, embraced emotional needs of all children and gave practical examples and resolutions, Mole and Colin work well as a Team and the use of personal experiences made the training jump off the page and come alive.
‘Excellent course, the trainers were top class. Very impressed with the delivery of the course. Understanding was brilliant. It made me stop and think about changes I can make.