Aim for the Top: Prepare for Your TOPIK Exam With These 8 Helpful Tips

The Test of Proficiency in Korean is an examination you need to take if you want to study at a Korean university, move to South Korea for a job, or assess your Korean language proficiency. Abbreviated as TOPIK, this standardized test is for non-native speakers and is handled by the National Institute of International Education under South Korea’s Ministry of Education. Tests are conducted around six times yearly, both in Korea and overseas.


You have to prepare for the TOPIK exam like any other test. Here’s how to get ready for your TOPIK test:

1. Understand the Test Structure

TOPIK has two parts—TOPIK I and TOPIK II. Here’s an overview of each one:


This is the beginner level of the exam. It assesses your basic proficiency in the Korean language. It has 100-point listening and reading sections. The listening section lasts 60 minutes, while the reading section lasts 40 minutes.


TOPIK I has two levels:


  • Level 1: You need 80 to 139 points for this level. At this level, you can understand and use basic sentences and expressions, introduce yourself, and handle simple conversations about daily life.
  • Level 2: Score 140 to 200 points in this level, and you’re good to go. You should know how to handle everyday situations, use expressions about everyday routines, and understand simple texts about familiar topics.



This is the intermediate to advanced level of TOPIK. You can reach this level if you have better Korean language skills and want to use the language in various contexts. The sections include:


  • Listening: 50 questions, 1 hour
  • Reading: 50 questions, 1 hour and 10 minutes
  • Writing: 4 questions, 50 minutes

The test lasts 180 minutes, and it’s worth 300 points. The levels it covers are:


  • Level 3: You need to score between 120 and 149 points. You should be able to perform basic communication tasks, like shopping and using public services, and express simple opinions.
  • Level 4: This level needs 150 to 189 points. You should know how to do more complex tasks and conversations in professional and social settings. You can read and write simple essays and talk about familiar topics.
  • Level 5: Get a score of 190 to 229 points. This level allows you to use Korean in professional and academic settings and express your thoughts clearly and fluently about many topics.
  • Level 6: This level needs 230 to 300 points. You’re a near-native with your Korean proficiency. You can understand and produce complex Korean accurately and fluently regardless of the context. Communicating in formal and informal situations is easy for you.


Familiarize yourself with the format and questions of TOPIK by taking practice tests. Use this test to determine your proficiency level. Using your practice TOPIK test, begin setting goals for improvement as a Korean learner.


2. Create a Study Schedule

Find time to squeeze your Korean studies into your daily schedule. Try at least two hours a day after your regular schedule if you’re studying or working. Dedicate weekend days to focus on reading, writing, vocabulary, and listening.

3. Use Official Study Materials

Enhance your grammar knowledge to get past your TOPIK level using study guides, sample questions on the TOPIK website, and past exam papers. These offline and online resources can help you practice Korean effectively.

4. Improve Your Vocabulary

Learn new Korean words and phrases every day through word lists, flashcards, and vocabulary apps that align with the TOPIK exam. Spend equal time studying daily vocabulary and academic terms.

5. Practice Listening Skills

Korean audio materials like news broadcasts, dialogues, and podcasts help you improve your listening skills. Pick one or a few audio content to listen to daily while studying, on a commute, or doing household chores.


You can also listen to Korean music, which may not teach you the Korean terms you need to know. Songs, especially pop songs, are tweaked grammatically for stylistic purposes.

6. Boost Reading Comprehension

Read anything Korean daily—newspapers, books, web articles, and magazines. Read TOPIK passages and answer questions right away to improve comprehension.


7. Hone Your Writing Skills

Write essays and short responses in Korean. Make sure everything you write is grammatically correct. Try using some TOPIK prompts to help you write various topics quickly.

8. Take Mock Tests

Immerse yourself in a TOPIK exam by taking a mock test. You’ll know how this Korean language test goes and get used to the pressure you’ll feel in the exam. Mock tests allow you to manage your time effectively during the whole session, which can be helpful in the real test.


Get feedback before or after the mock test from a tutor or other Korean language learners. They can help you improve your speaking and writing over time. Commit to your study plan and set small, achievable goals while studying. Sign up for an online class to learn Korean based on your chosen schedule.

Parting Thoughts

Preparing for TOPIK requires intense dedication. You must put in your best effort to pass the exams and hone your Korean skills one day at a time. Being proficient in Korean opens doors for you to live and work in South Korea, minus the language barrier.

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The Role of Mobility Solutions in Promoting Inclusive Education

Inclusive education aims to ensure that all students, regardless of their abilities or disabilities, have access to quality education in a supportive environment. A critical aspect of this approach is providing accessible transportation that meets the diverse needs of students. Reliable and inclusive transport solutions enable students with disabilities to attend school regularly, participate fully in educational activities, and enjoy equal opportunities alongside their peers.

Accessibility in school transport involves more than just having a vehicle; it requires minibuses equipped with features like wheelchair access, secure seating, and appropriate safety measures. Such features ensure the safety and comfort of students, allowing them to travel to and from school without barriers. By addressing these transportation needs, schools can promote a more inclusive environment where every student feels valued and supported.

The Key Features of an Inclusive Minibus

An inclusive minibus must be equipped with several essential features to meet the diverse needs of students. Wheelchair accessibility is a top priority, ensuring that students who use wheelchairs can board and exit the vehicle safely and comfortably. Additionally, secure seating and restraint systems are crucial for the safety of all passengers, particularly those with mobility challenges.

Safety measures should also include regular maintenance and inspections to keep the vehicle in top condition. Schools may find it cost-effective to explore purchasing a used minibus for sale that already has these features. Investing in a used minibus can provide a reliable and affordable solution, allowing schools to allocate resources to other essential areas while still meeting the transportation needs of their students.

Tips for Choosing the Right Minibus for Your School

Selecting the right minibus for your school involves careful consideration of various factors. First, assess the specific needs of your students, particularly those with disabilities, to ensure the vehicle you choose is adequately equipped. Features such as wheelchair ramps, secure seating, and safety restraints are vital for providing safe and comfortable transportation.

Consider the size of the minibus based on the number of students it will serve. Minibuses with seating capacities ranging from 9 to 17 can accommodate different school sizes and requirements. Evaluate whether purchasing or leasing the vehicle is the best option for your school. Leasing can provide flexibility and include maintenance packages, while purchasing may offer long-term cost savings. By carefully considering these factors, you can choose a minibus that best supports your school’s inclusive transportation goals.

The Impact of Inclusive Transport on Student Participation

Inclusive transport plays a crucial role in enhancing student participation, particularly for those with disabilities. When students have reliable and accessible transportation, they are more likely to attend school regularly. Consistent attendance is vital for academic success and social integration, as it allows students to fully engage in classroom activities and interact with their peers.

Inclusive transport solutions enable students to participate in extracurricular activities, school trips, and other school events. These experiences are essential for personal growth and development, helping students build confidence, develop social skills, and gain a sense of belonging. By ensuring that all students have access to these opportunities, schools can create a more inclusive and supportive educational environment.

The Benefits of Investing in Used Minibuses

Investing in used minibuses can offer significant benefits for schools and institutions looking to enhance their transport capabilities without straining their budgets. One of the primary advantages is cost savings. Used minibuses are typically more affordable than new ones, allowing schools to acquire reliable and fully functional vehicles at a fraction of the cost. This financial efficiency means that funds can be reallocated to other critical areas, such as educational resources or facility improvements.

Purchasing used minibuses can expedite the procurement process. New vehicles often have longer lead times due to manufacturing and customisation periods. In contrast, used minibuses are readily available, enabling schools to meet their transport needs more swiftly. These vehicles can also be retrofitted or customised to ensure they meet specific accessibility and safety standards, ensuring that they provide safe and comfortable transport for all students. By considering used minibuses, schools can make a practical and economical choice that supports inclusive and efficient transportation solutions.

Inclusive transport solutions are vital for creating an educational environment where all students can thrive. By ensuring accessibility and safety in school minibuses, schools can promote regular attendance and active participation among students with disabilities. Reliable and inclusive transport allows students to engage fully in both academic and extracurricular activities, fostering personal growth and social integration.

Investing in inclusive transport, whether through purchasing or leasing, and considering options like used minibuses, can provide practical and cost-effective solutions. These choices not only meet the immediate transport needs of schools but also contribute to a supportive and inclusive educational experience for all students. Prioritising accessible transport ensures that every student has the opportunity to succeed and feel valued within the school community.

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Person Centred Planning training – Perth and Kinross, Scotland | Training feedback

The attendees represent a diverse range of roles including pupil support assistants, community link workers, social care officers, pupil care and welfare officers, learner support teachers, nurture support coordinators, nurture development officers, educational psychologists, teachers, improvement officers, and employees from skills development Scotland. Facilitated by Colin and Elliot Newton

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How To Ensure You’re Adequately Funded for Under

the NDIS Program


Are you an Australian living with a disability? Then, you must be familiar with the National
Disability Insurance Scheme, also known as the NDIS. Understanding the NDIS can be
challenging; hence, it is paramount to understand the nitty gritty of the scheme to reap the most
out of its benefits.
The NDIS provides support to Australians with disabilities to ensure they live resourceful and
comfortable lives. However, the complexity of the policies under the NDIS scheme makes it
difficult to secure effective funding. Hence, it is vital that you understand the process and plan
accordingly with the help of professionals like Belinda from Intrepidus Law, who have a
stronghold over the NDIS.
Whether you are new to the scheme or need help to acquire the necessary funding, this guide will
help you understand the scheme and ensure you get adequate funding. Moreover, from
understanding the application process and eligibility criteria to communicating your needs, we
will help you master it all with confidence. Let’s dive in.

Understanding Your Needs

The first step towards getting adequate funding is to understand your needs. You need to make a
detailed analysis of your day-to-day requirements, medical supplies, and other long-term needs.
Moreover, connect with health professionals who will guide you by providing expert information
about your condition and identifying your needs. Conversely, you must document these insights
and draft your NDIS application.
Moreover, you must consider every aspect, such as communication, personal hygiene, mobility,
and social engagement. Remember, the more detailed your application is with proper reports, the
more likely you are to get adequate funding.

Gathering Supporting Documentation
Evidence and supporting documentation are important to prove the extent of your disability to
decide the amount of funding you are to receive.

Hence, head on to gather all important documents, including therapy notes, medical reports,
prescriptions, and other assessment reports.
Conversely, these documents must cover everything about your disability and how it affects your
lifestyle. By providing a detailed report with documents, you strengthen your case.
Moreover, ensure all your reports are up-to-date and effectively reflect the current condition of
your disability.

Creating a Detailed NDIS Plan
You must develop a detailed NDIS plan to secure the funding you need. For this, you must
connect with a NDIS support coordinator or a NDIS professional to create a plan that showcases
your situation and the extent of your disability.
You must include any required equipment, therapy, and your personal care routine. Attach an
estimated budget for your specific needs and write details of the same. Revise and review your
plan regularly to maintain its relevancy.

Effective Communication with NDIS Partners
The only way you will ensure your needs are met is through thorough communication. Clearly
communicate your needs in detail during your NDIS planning meetings. Use real-life examples
to demonstrate the day-to-day problems you face due to your disability.
Be transparent, and don’t hide embarrassing details. Remember, effective and clear
communication will ensure a significant amount of funding is granted to you.

Reviewing and Updating Your Plan
Remember to update your plan and needs regularly based on your changing condition. If you see
the extent of your disability worsening, ensure to dot it down in your plan.
Moreover, be sure to visit your therapists or medical advisor frequently to learn the current status
of your disability.
Conversely, this will highlight the changes in your needs, which you can detail in your plan.
Request a plan review if you see your condition is undergoing significant changes. While it can
be daunting, you must regularly monitor the effectiveness of your plan.

Staying Informed About NDIS Changes
The NDIS’s policies and conditions are constantly changing, making it difficult for many
Australians to keep up. However, if you want to get the most out of the NDIS plan, you must
stay updated with the latest changes.
Subscribe to the newsletter, frequently check their website, and join support groups to stay
updated. Remember, the more you are updated about the latest modifications, the better your
NDIS plan will be and the more funding you can get.

Wrapping Up
Receiving an adequate amount of funding under the NDIS can be daunting. However, strategic
planning and staying up to date with the latest changes will allow you to develop a
comprehensive plan with supporting evidence that strengthens your case.
Remember, making the most of the NDIS will be achieved through effective and transparent
communication, seeking help from experts, and staying updated.

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ALLFIE Manifesto 2024

We have published our new Manifesto, Inclusive Education For All, ahead of the General Election 2024. We urge you to support and sign our Manifesto, to take our inclusive education campaign into the next Parliament and beyond.

We specialise in autism in mainstream schools, inclusion of students with disabilities, education psychology, autism education, community building and training on inclusion.

Inclusive Education For All

ALLFIE’s Manifesto seeks to promote the realisation of the equity, equality and the right to inclusive education for ALL Disabled people, through the provision of necessary supports and adjustments in mainstream settings. The manifesto sets out six demands for creating an inclusive education system, and sets out clear action points for the next Governent to achieve this. It’s available in formats including Easy-Read on our website Manifesto homepage:
Manifesto homepage

What can you do?

Stand up for inclusive education and put your name to our Manifesto! Find out what our six demands for inclusive education are and add your name or the name of your organisation. Please include any comments when you sign-up:
Sign the Manifesto

Our 6 Demands – Justice in Action

The following is a list of ALLFIE’s demands in relation to what needs to be done to achieve the vision of an inclusive education system.

We specialise in autism in mainstream schools, inclusion of students with disabilities, education psychology, autism education, community building and training on inclusion.

1. Inclusive Education Legislation in the UK

We demand the recognition of inclusive education as an inherent right for ALL people, and for the voices of Disabled people to be heard and respected on matters of inclusive education.

We specialise in autism in mainstream schools, inclusion of students with disabilities, education psychology, autism education, community building and training on inclusion.

2. End all forms of Segregated Education

We demand clear goals to systematically phase out special nurseries/schools/ colleges/units and other segregated educational settings, prioritising inclusive learning environments for everyone.

We specialise in autism in mainstream schools, inclusion of students with disabilities, education psychology, autism education, community building and training on inclusion.

3. SEND funding for mainstream services

We demand that inequalities in SEN provisions and disability services are immediately addressed, aiming to dismantle barriers to mainstream education for ALL Disabled people and ensuring provision of consistent and accessible services.

We specialise in autism in mainstream schools, inclusion of students with disabilities, education psychology, autism education, community building and training on inclusion.

4. End Curriculum and Assessment injustice

We demand action to address systematic injustice by changing both the curriculum design and the administration of assessment systems, ensuring just and equitable outcomes for all students.

We specialise in autism in mainstream schools, inclusion of students with disabilities, education psychology, autism education, community building and training on inclusion.

5. Mandatory Inclusive Education Training

We demand comprehensive inclusive education training for all teachers and administrators.

We specialise in autism in mainstream schools, inclusion of students with disabilities, education psychology, autism education, community building and training on inclusion.

6. Combat Social Injustice in Education

We demand action to address all forms of social injustice in education, including intersecting disadvantages.

Our Manifesto 2024 is available to download in 4 formats:

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Innovative Learning: The Waldo International School’s Approach

Embarking on an educational journey with The Waldo International School, nestled in the vibrant heart of Jersey City, unveils an extraordinary approach to learning that transcends traditional boundaries. Renowned among the premier Jersey City Daycares, this institution is a testament to the transformative power of innovative education. Here, the essence of learning is reimagined, blending Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) into a rich tapestry of exploration and discovery.

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Contact Us

Colin Newton

0115 955 6045

Suzanne Hawkes

(Messages | Accounts | Queries)