How To Know If You or Someone Else Needs Rehab

Addictions are a huge problem in the modern world. People tend to easily get addicted to anything, from social media and coffee to heavy drugs and alcohol. And although all kinds of substance dependence are inevitably bad for a person’s body, mind, and personal relationships with others, typically, it’s the narcotics and alcohol that do the biggest damage to one’s whole life.

At the same time, alcohol addiction is one of the problems that start very easily and innocently. In fact, many people don’t even realize they have an alcohol problem until it’s too late. Thus, since the consequences of overlooking alcohol dependence might be very severe, it’s especially important to be aware of the first symptoms of this addiction – both when it comes to you and the people around you. To find out how to know if you or someone else needs rehab, follow our guide:

Physical Symptoms

One of the most common physical signs that a person needs rehab is alcohol withdrawal symptoms. Typically, the symptoms may include insomnia, sweating, trembling, bad temper, mood swings, and inability to focus. Without medical assistance, very severe withdrawal symptoms might even be fatal.

Not everyone will experience the same withdrawal symptoms. In fact, different people will have a different physical reaction to alcohol. Many signs are typical because they are based on the changes that occur in an alcoholic’s body when he or she stops drinking.

Some of the most common physical symptoms include shaking, sweating, increased heart rate, fever, nausea, vomiting, and cramping. Usually, these symptoms begin after some time, even without drinking. They tend to decrease gradually after two weeks or more of abstinence.

Some of the signs of mental health problems related to withdrawals include suicidal thoughts, anxiety and depression, hallucinations, and paranoia. In case a person experiences some or all of these symptoms, it is necessary to get help immediately.

Please keep in mind that these indicators might not be obvious in some people because they tend to hide them from friends and family. In this case, you need to watch closely if they seem unusually tired most of the time or if their mood changes too often.

Social Symptoms

To find out if you or your loved one needs rehab, you should observe social symptoms that might occur. A troubled person might be neglecting important relationships with their close friends and family members, taking more risks than usual, and engaging in reckless behaviors. An addict might start lying or coming up with excuses for their behavior.

Other signs that you should look for include red flags like stealing from family or friends, drinking in secret, and having alcohol-related accidents in the home.

For people living with a behavioral disorder, rehab can help to get their life on track. By providing them with the right tools and resources, they can recover from their addiction and find the life they have always wanted.

Aside from group therapy meetings, the addicted person needs to know that the people close to them have their back, no matter what. It is a crucial part of the healing process that will enable them to become functional members of the community faster. 

Financial Issues

People that desperately need rehab very often experience financial difficulties due to their addiction. If you noticed that despite earning the same amount of money, you constantly find yourself wondering where all your money went, that might be a sign that you have an alcohol problem. 

If you suspect your loved one of alcohol addiction because of their financial problems, you need to be careful with your approach. Being too direct may push them further away. After all, taking up an interest in another person’s finances all of a sudden may lead them to distrust you, and trust is a difficult subject for a person with an addiction. Regardless of the family and friends they have, their addiction will ultimately cause them to start to lie. It is not unusual for an addict to distance themselves from their family and loved ones, which is why you should handle these money problems with the utmost sensitivity. 

The Bottom Line 

Alcoholism is a tragedy that strikes not only the person physically dependent on alcohol but also their family and friends, more often than not, causing damage in their mental health. Witnessing someone you’ve known for many years turn into a substance-dependent shadow of themselves is never an easy thing to experience. However, try not to become too bitter or angry when approaching an alcoholic if your intention is to help them. This will only make everything worse, as they will consider you their “enemy” — someone who cannot be trusted. When dealing with alcoholism in your close circle, try to handle it with an open mind and as much understanding as possible. 

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