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What Parents Need to Know Before Sending their Disabled Child to US College

As a parent with a disabled child, you know full well that there are a few extra steps involved with their care. Their education can also be a little tricky to get because of their special needs. Disabilities come in many different forms with each requiring their own type of care. When it comes to helping them with their college education, there are a couple things you need to be aware of. It’s not as simple as a regular student enrolling into college. In this article, we’ll be going over what parents need to know before sending their disabled child to college.

The Cost of Enrollment May Differ

Everyone knows that college is one of the most expensive investments around. Degrees typically cost tens of thousands of dollars, so they’re not easy to afford by yourself. But in the case of a disabled person, there’s a chance they won’t have to pay as much. You can help them get their college education by taking out a low-rate private parent loan. These loans work almost exactly like traditional student loans, except the parent takes on the responsibility of paying for it. 

Parent loans are ideal for those who have a disabled child as they won’t have to be stressed about paying them back. Because private lenders typically give out their loans with lower interest rates. Interest rates can make it very difficult to pay back the debt, especially since they can fluctuate when you least expect them to. Taking the loan out with a private lender eliminates that issue. Furthermore, if your child permanently disabled, it’s possible they can be exempt from paying anything.

You Have to Register Your Child as a Student with Special Needs

After your child has been enrolled in the college of their choice, the next step is to register them as a person with disabilities. You cannot do this during the enrollment process at the admissions office. You’ll have to manually file out a request at the disability services office instead. However, it’s important to keep in mind that colleges don’t have the same legal requirements as high school. Granted, they do follow the Americans with Disabilities Act that ensures equal rights and protects them from any kind of discrimination. Colleges also give various accommodations to its applicants that aid in your child’s education. Remember to consult the college’s disability office with any questions you have.

The Required Documents Do Change

Before your child can receive their special accommodations, they have to provide proof. They’re not as easy to acquire as they were in the past. It’s possible that all they need as evidence of your child’s disability is their high school evaluation report. However, they’ve started to crack down on the rules. For example, the evaluation report has to be recent. It can’t just be one from any time. These days, the report has to be three years or less. But it’s important to remember that every college has its own set of regulations and way of doing things. Make sure to call around and ask what their requirements are.

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