Inclusion Facilitation

Inclusion In The Early Years

The publication of “Keys To Inclusion” by Colin Newton and Derek Wilson was inspired by much of the work we have carried out in Early Years settings.

Available now from our store

You can download the first chapter FREE here.

Lancashire, Derby and Sefton have all bulk purchased copies of this book for practitioners as it offers inspiration and practical advice on inclusion.

“The Keys to Inclusion book is revolutionary and indeed a Bible for the inclusion movement, I hope people professing to be inclusive read it carefully and then put that into practice, The world will be such a more simpler and better place if that happens!”

Quote from a Parent – Feb 2011
Inclusive Solutions work with practitioners across the UK from all kinds of PVI and LA settings. In this video Sefton practitioners reflect on a day with us thinking about including children with autism.

We work with private, voluntary and independent sector providers of full daycare, sessional providers of care for children under and over 5, and childminders caring for children of all ages. We also work with Early Years providers in the maintained sector working in nurseries, Children Centres and the whole range of out of school settings. We provide inclusive, creative and practical tools that help everyone to belong.

Click here to download our Early Years Inclusion brochure

Comprehensive training, planning and consultation Opportunities for Early Years Teams across the UK from psychologists who specialise in inclusion.

We are currently offering a range of training in a number of Early Years settings including Nottingham City, Derby City, County Durham, Lancashire, Oxfordshire and London Boroughs of Croydon, Southwark, Merton, Kingston, Haringey and Lambeth.

Lancashire Early Years have just bought a copy of ‘Incurably Human’, ‘Seeing the Charade’ and a Magic Wand for all their Registered Childminders and for many of their Early Years workers! Now that’s commitment to Inclusion….

Popular Training days enjoyed by Early Years Practitioners:

  1. Practical Keys to Inclusion
  2. Collaborative working between parents and practitioners in the Early Years
  3. Problem solving tools and approaches

We can also…

  • Provide live community consultation and visioning sessions
  • Provide you individually designed training days, key notes and seminars
  • Arrange consultation onyour difficult to solve issues
  • Lead your visioning and problem solving as you plan for the future with Children Centre Teams and the communities they serve
  • Support your policy writing in light of new Code of Practice, SEN disability rights legislation
  • Alert you to Research and Publications relevant to your needs
  • Link you with others facing similar issues around developing inclusive practice
  • Help you build inclusive multi agency Support Services for families


There are other training resources provided bythe Government and available for use in early years and childcare settings, including the Early Support material to help practitioners review practice and improve the quality and coordination of provision, and the SEN Training Materials pack SureStart SEN Training Pack (circulated to all early years providers in 2004 – and still available from PROLOG). Further information about training that will assist with skills development in working with disabled children and children with SEN can be found in the inclusion (SEN and equality and diversity) resources section of the SureStart website.

Legislation and Strategy

Ten year strategy for childcare: guidance for local authorities Sure Start 2005

‘Disabled children and their families should have access to the full range of childcare options that are open to other families.’

DCATCH did contribute to improving the range and quality of childcare arrangements for all families and worked on social justice, by giving disabled
children, young people and their families the same opportunities as other people. Sadly there have been radical changes since the change of Government.

The Childcare Act (2006) still imposes a duty on local authorities to secure provision of childcare sufficient to meet the requirements of all parents in their area who wish to take up, or remain in work, or to undertake education or training that may lead to work. Section 6 specifically requires local authorities to secure childcare provision for disabled children up to the age of 18. In this context, childcare must be ‘sufficient’ in terms of the number of places, affordability, and appropriateness. In keeping with other activity, local authorities are advised to undertake development work in partnership with people who use the services that are provided. A duty to improve information for families with disabled children about childcare options available in their area and about financial help is also embedded within new duties to provide information, advice and assistance set out in the Childcare Act.

Childcare wass identified as a ‘vital service’ for the families of disabled children and young people in Aiming High for Disabled Children (2007) and within the Aiming High for Disabled Children (AHDC) programme, which set out to improve the lives of all disabled children and young people.

Download the full document here

Our Training

Support and supervision for leaders

Visioning in the early years

Creating an inclusive space where everyone learns

Keys to inclusion

Building creative staff teams

Contact Us

Colin Newton

0115 955 6045

Doug Newton

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