7 elements of e-learning development strategy

E-learning is getting increasingly popular in the COVID-19 era, so it’s natural to see the growing number of online courses all over the Internet. More than 1.2 billion children are out of the classroom at the moment and it is essential to give them the education they deserve.

But how can you create a sustainable e-learning development strategy? Here are seven elements you need to prepare for!

  1. Create a Curriculum Based on Students’ Needs

When you start thinking about an e-learning curriculum, you have to reconsider a whole series of questions. 

Jake Gardner, an essay writer in charge of e-learning topics, says the crucial tip is to determine the needs of the target audience: “Who are your students? Are there any barriers to break before launching a course? Can they all follow the same program?” 

When you answer these questions properly, think about the technical factors such as time zones, languages, and IT tools needed for everyday learning.

And finally, can you find the right teachers to create and execute your e-learning program? For instance, your course might be something like Inclusive Education Training. In this case, teachers must have a wide range of skills in order to deliver knowledge, which means you will have to analyse each candidate thoroughly.

  1. Prepare for Implementation

A typical e-learning program takes a lot of time and you need to prepare for it well in advance. The idea is to plan every stage of the process and introduce students to internal procedures from start to finish. If you don’t know how to do it, here are a few tips:

  • Align each course with other subjects on the same academic level
  • Distinguish between mandatory and optional courses
  • Arrange everything for student tracking and analysis
  • How do you plan to conduct the final exam? 

All these items are vital if you want to set things straight and enter the program without any obstacles whatsoever. 

  1. Beware of Course Selection

Now that you have the entire list of courses for your students, it is time to think about the course selection. We mentioned that it’s important to choose the best tutors who can transfer knowledge online without any communication lapses, but there are other options as well.

For example, you can choose to purchase readymade e-learning courses on the Internet. The only thing that matters is to pick a solid piece of content that perfectly suits your organisation and e-learning strategy. 

It’s like choosing between cheap academic writing agencies or bestessays.com: you know there are lots of more affordable options out there, but you pick the latter because it guarantees results.

  1. Review and Approve Each Course

Now you need to review and analyse all courses manually. In our experience, a good idea is to create a general framework and define what each course needs to contain. After that, you can leave it up to your team members to review courses single-handedly. The point is to make corrections wherever needed and approve a course once you are sure that everything fits perfectly.

  1. Take Care of Internal Organisation

As you can see already, e-learning is a complex field that requires a fair share of organisation and planning if you want to build an army of satisfied students. In such circumstances, it is vital to take care of internal organisation. You can do it by delegating tasks:

  • Are you going to manage the whole process or some other member of the team?
  • Who’s in charge of finance and administration? 
  • Who will perform quality checks? 
  • Do you plan to grow and scale the business? 
  • Of course, don’t forget the power of team building in education as it will help you build a better team
  1. Keep the Courses Updated

In case you haven’t noticed, things change quickly in the online universe. This means you ought to keep the courses up to date in order to make them relevant year after year.  

Firstly, the content itself has to stay relevant. Let’s say that you run a programming course – can you teach the exact same version of a programming language this year, next year, and in five years? 

Secondly, keep adjusting your course in a way that suits new technologies. Keep in mind that Skype used to be the holy grail of online communication, but now people prefer Zoom and similar platforms. 

  1. Monitor and Analyse the Program

The last tip is to find a way to monitor and analyse the program continuously. Are you happy with the results? Are your students satisfied with the knowledge delivered? These and many other quality-related questions are vital, so you better make sure to answer them periodically.

The Bottom Line

Creating an e-learning development strategy is never an easy process because you need to adjust it to the needs of your students, but it is easier if you follow a few key elements. We discussed seven major components of e-learning, so can you make them work for your courses?


Justin Osborne is an essay writer, he loves to share his thoughts and opinions about education, writing and blogging with other people on different blogs and forums. Currently, he is working as a content marketer at bestessays.com. 


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