How You Can Earn Money While Travelling Abroad
A long trip abroad is one of the most exciting things that anyone can do. There will always be places you have dreamt about going to, and you know that a short vacation will never really give you the in-depth experiences you crave. A week or two is enough to give you a taster of these amazing countries, but if you want to soak up the culture, see beyond the tourist traps, and get to know the people, then you are going to have to look at a longer trip.
However, the stumbling block for most people when they think about packing their bags and heading abroad for a few months is, of course, money. Prices are going up everywhere you look right now, and it can be tough to think about stashing money away when you are struggling to pay for your weekly supermarket shop and your energy bills. The good news is that there are plenty of ways that you can earn some money while travelling abroad. Let’s have a look at some of the most popular.
Working Remotely
This is certainly not the most exciting option out there, but these days you do not necessarily need to give up your day job to go travelling. If you work remotely, then you may be in a situation where you can pack up your laptop and get your work done somewhere a lot more exciting than your home office. Now, it is important that you check to ensure that you are not breaking any of your company’s rules and regulations. It is also important that you check very carefully before you travel that you are not breaking any visa restrictions, even if you are just doing a bit of freelancing. It’s much better to make sure beforehand instead of trying to explain why you didn’t later on.
Teaching English As A Foreign Language
One of the best ways that you can earn money while travelling, and really get to know the people, is by teaching English as a foreign language. This is such a great way to make friends, learn more about the local culture, and do something rewarding. What’s more, it can help to fund your travel! Teaching English has been a popular choice for people of all ages who are thinking about discovering more of the world beyond their home country, and the good news is that it can be a very straightforward process. First of all, you need a Teaching English as a Foreign Language (or TEFL) certification. TEFL courses give you the essentials that you need to know, even if you have not been a schoolteacher before. If you want to learn more, get in touch with the team at Premier TEFL. They can help you find the perfect TEFL course for you and can help you to find a job that is the perfect fit.
Find Somewhere That You Can Work Locally
This option has been the favourite for lots of people who have travelled as a gap year student the world over, and if you have the time and the energy for it, it could work for you. First, you will need to look at the visa requirements for the country that you are thinking of exploring. Many countries have very strict rules and regulations when it comes to temporary work visas, and the last thing that you want is to end up on the wrong side of those. Next, think about what you could do and what you would enjoy doing, whether it’s working at a bar, working at a hotel, or working picking seasonal crops. It is important to remember that this is going to be hard work and that you will fit your vacation around it. But if you are looking for steady cash and you don’t like the idea of teaching, this could be for you.
Be A Researcher For Travel Books, Magazines And Books
Speaking of hard work, this option sounds like an absolute breeze, but it can be one of the toughest ways to earn extra money while travelling. Everyone loves reading about the wonderful world outside their doors, but putting those guides and tours together can be a tough job. Even if print publications continue to diminish in number, there are still publications that need to have their work bolstered by input from people on the ground. You may not be able to have your entire trip paid for, but you could earn some extra money by taking on freelance gigs from editors who need to know what that hot new restaurant is like, or how long it really takes to get from the train station to the beach. If you can hustle for the work and show that you’re reliable, you could establish a name for yourself quickly.