Early Years Training Courses

We specialise in autism in mainstream schools, inclusion of students with disabilities, education psychology, autism education, community building and training on inclusion.

Behaviour: Fresh Approaches to Behaviour and Relationships

This is our lead workshop/training day on behaviour and relationship work in Primary and Secondary schools and Academies, as well as Early Years, FE and adult settings and is both a values primer and a practical guide to successful innovative strategies for improving behaviour and strengthening relationships for challenging children and people of all ages.

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We specialise in autism in mainstream schools, inclusion of students with disabilities, education psychology, autism education, community building and training on inclusion.

Communications Skills for Leaders

Whatever your position in the team, good communications skills are vital. They are at the centre of every work place interaction and can make a real difference to your work environment. Here’s a worthwhile day to increase your skills in this area. These skills will not only help your personal growth but they will increase job satisfaction and in turn relationships with adults and children.

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We specialise in autism in mainstream schools, inclusion of students with disabilities, education psychology, autism education, community building and training on inclusion.

Emotional Wellbeing

This workshop gives an opportunity to focus on the emotional needs of children and young people and how to meet these. We lift the lid on an emerging urgent inclusion issue, meeting the emotional well being of all children. In one year 1300 young men committed suicide in the UK. In the UK the commonest cause of death among those aged 16-35 is suicide.

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We specialise in autism in mainstream schools, inclusion of students with disabilities, education psychology, autism education, community building and training on inclusion.

Girls’ Emotional Needs

This workshop gives an opportunity to focus on the emotional needs of girls and how to meet these. We lift the lid on a less well explored inclusion issue, meeting the emotional needs of girls. Everyone knows a girl or woman. They may be pupil, daughter, sister, parent or partner.

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We specialise in autism in mainstream schools, inclusion of students with disabilities, education psychology, autism education, community building and training on inclusion.

Keys to Inclusion

How can we interrupt the isolation of disabled, challenging and other ‘different’ children and adults? This is our lead workshop/training day and is both a values primer and a practical guide to successful strategies for developing inclusive practice in educational and non educational settings for children and young people of all ages. This is practical plus being a ‘hearts and minds’ day.

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We specialise in autism in mainstream schools, inclusion of students with disabilities, education psychology, autism education, community building and training on inclusion.

MAP – Making an Action Plan with Person Centred Processes

To facilitate a group, family, team or organisation in thinking together around a given challenge or issue here is an opportunity to experience for real the person centred, futures planning tool – MAP (Pearpoint, Forest et. al. 1989). This is a process not a training day. Let us facilitate your planning and refocus your story whilst strengthening you and your group.

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We specialise in autism in mainstream schools, inclusion of students with disabilities, education psychology, autism education, community building and training on inclusion.

Support and Supervision for Leaders

Many leaders and managers working on the front line of inclusion lack emotional support from Local Authority staff or anyone else despite the challenging nature of their work. There is a massive need for active listening, containment and opportunities to problem solve and reflect confidentially with someone trusted.

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We specialise in autism in mainstream schools, inclusion of students with disabilities, education psychology, autism education, community building and training on inclusion.

Teams: Building Creative Teams

In this practical and engaging workshop there is input on team building, problem solving as a team, improving communication and handling conflict. This is participatory day of paper, pens, graphics, music and activity. There are no PowerPoint slides or even a projector and screen!

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Contact Us

Colin Newton

0115 955 6045

Suzanne Hawkes


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