Format: A4 Book and 2 Video Downloads
Description: A great set of resources at a discounted price. The perfect way to get started with Restorative Justice and Mediation. £99.95 – that’s over 25% discount compared with buying these resources individually.
Restorative Solutions by Colin Newton and Helen Mahaffey is a practical book about how to implement Restorative interventions and approaches in schools. The book gives guiding ideas, principle, theory and values as well as direct scripts for those involved in direct contact with pupils, staff and parents. Restorative Solutions are about inclusion, transforming relationships and radical ways of impacting upon conflict and rule breaking behaviour. All schools in the UK and Support Service staff will want a copy. Parents will also find it an extremely valuable resource for bringing up their own children peacefully. Preface by Sir Charles Pollard (ex-Chief Superintendent, Thames Valley Police) “Bad behaviour in our schools – often leading to school exclusions, speeding the pupils involved to the social scrapheap – has become a blight on our education system. Solutions are hard to come by. Most come in the form of yet more punitive discipline, which merely heightens the problem. What is needed in schools is fresh thinking, new approaches that work – and Restorative Practices are precisely that. Restorative Practices break the cycle by tackling the root causes of misbehaviour, rather than just massaging the symptoms. Many badly behaved pupils, faced directly and personally with the harm they have done to others, not only see the error of their ways but are often even transformed into positive role models. And they don’t need to be excluded. This book is an invaluable tool for all who want to learn about Restorative Solutions. It describes how, when and where they can be used, not just to reduce exclusions but – even more importantly – to improve the whole behavioural culture of the school and improve attainment. All who work in schools should read it and act on it.”
The book is accompanied by three Video Downloads illustrating Restorative Justice and Mediation in action
Video Download 1. Introducing Restorative Justice Video Download Commissioned by Milton Keynes Psychological Service, produced by Living Archive This Video Download demonstrates the value of this constructive approach in resolving conflicts and repairing damaged relationships in the school community. It has a particular relevance for: Bullying Low-level disruption Fighting Serious behaviour incidents Relationship issues. The four sections of this Video Download draw on real-life situations and demonstrate the helpful effects of Restorative Justice Conferencing for students, staff and parents. This approach aims to repair the harm done to relationships by challenging inappropriate behaviour. There is ample information to influence practice, and it will help students, parents and staff to understand the benefits of Restorative Approaches. Running time: 70 minutes
Video Download 2. Restorative Justice at Ryton Park Created by Inclusive Solutions Aims:
- To introduce participants to Restorative Interventions
- To develop understanding of value and role in developing inclusive practice of Restorative Interventions
- To demonstrate how KS1 children can be involved in restorative conferences
- To demonstrate how KS2 pupils can chair RJ conferences with minimal adult support
The Video Download has two clips on it. One describes from a pupil’s perspective the power of ‘Fall out stoppers’ a wonderful way to encourage mediation and communication before a fight actually occurs. The second clip shows a restorative conference in action. The pupils are in KS1 and two KS2 girls chair the session. A “Restorative Intervention” is a non-adversarial approach to conflict resolution where the person who has done something wrong in a given situation becomes accountable to those s/he has harmed. This person is then given the opportunity to “make up” for their inappropriate behaviour through agreement and reparation. An Intervention can involve a formal conference, or it can be a simple conversation on a corridor or playground. Restorative Interventions work with all ages of young people, and the techniques can be used in parental meetings, can prevent exclusions and challenge poor behaviour. Our feedback tells us that when problems between young people are addressed in this way, those problems rarely reoccur. Including all those affected by an incident in its resolution is a powerful way of producing significant improvements in behaviour. This work has also directed some professionals down the path of considering “Relationship Management” in schools as important as “Behaviour Management.”