Posts Tagged ‘Guest Post’

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The Positive Effects of Dogs on People with Autism

Many adults and children live with the autism spectrum condition (ASC), and it is proven that these people can bond, especially with dogs. Years of training dogs to bond with autistic children have yielded several amazing moments that are better experienced than explained. The number of positive effects that these dogs have cannot be quantified. 

A research carried out by the University of Lincoln discovered that children living with autism tend to experience far fewer meltdowns when they’re with or around a pet dog. The consequent effect of this is that the stress levels of their parents also reduce significantly. It was also found that dogs can substantially improve their confidence levels, improve their communication, help to reduce anxiety, and ensure that families can do more together. 

This goes to show how vital pet dogs are for autistic people (both adults and children). So, if you have a child with autism or know someone with autism, you should get them a pet dog to bond with. This is the best way to help increase their confidence and ensure that they achieve specific goals. 

For the benefit of people who are unsure how helpful dogs are and continue to doubt, this article discusses ten different ways dogs positively affect people with autism.

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The Joys and Challenges of Being a Father with Autism

When you are diagnosed with autism, you may feel that the condition can hinder your ability to live a quality life. However, the fears can later turn into excitement and a feeling of pride in the parenting journey. 

In some ways, sharing the condition with your loved ones can make it easier for you to enjoy the fatherhood journey. To learn about the joys and challenges of being a father with autism, let’s explore more.

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The Future of Special Educational Needs

The past year has brought numerous issues to light when it comes to child care and education.

Parents all over the country have been left to their own devices in ensuring the schooling of their children. Yes, teachers picked up the slack and came up with creative solutions, including Zoom school and alternative teaching methods. But, it also became clear that there is still much room for improvement.

Educational systems are invaluable. They help prepare our children for a future in a fast-changing world, equipping them with a set of skills that are going to be essential in their lives. But what’s becoming more and more evident is that the current focus on academia doesn’t cover all the necessary bases.

The discrepancies between what is being done and what needs to be done are particularly evident in special education. 

The good news, however, is, there’s potential for change. And parents hold a lot more power than they may think they do…

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How to Select and Train Future Management

If you run or manage a business, you may decide to promote employees internally for management roles. Not only will this make the onboarding process easier when it comes to senior positions – as the individual you’ve promoted will already have a good grasp of the company’s practices and processes – but the potential for career progression will encourage great performance in most staff members. So, how do you choose the best candidates for managerial positions – and how do you help them to hone their skills?


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How an Inclusive Placement Be Beneficial For Your Child?

Inclusive education, as the term suggests, refers to the notion of finding new accommodations and approaches to let all the kids in the classroom participate equally. It focuses on kids, particularly differently-abled ones, at an individual level and tries to cater to their learning needs aptly and effectively. Its main motive is to ‘benefit all’! You don’t have to sign any aia g703 or go through any lengthy procedure to get your kid enrolled in an inclusive learning program. Rather there are multiple teams available to support inclusion, such as ‘Inclusive Solutions’ that provide practical training plus online assistance and to help your kids grow and learn. The inclusive education system has been getting all the hype and that, too for all the right reasons. Following are some of them:

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5 Rules for Building Your Team’s Leadership Skills

What is the biggest decision of your life that you have made on your own? What factors did you consider while making that decision? These are some of the most popular questions that are asked in a job interview. The interviewers analyse your decision-making, critical thinking, and leadership skills by asking such questions.

Life is a bumpy road! You need to devise an effective strategy and take a solid stance to steer through the difficult phases of life. No one is perfect; every person has a balance of strengths and weaknesses. In my opinion, leadership is a skill that everyone needs to master to achieve their full potential in every sphere of life: career, self-development, and relationships.

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Modern Challenges: Pandemic Acclimatized Children VS the Schools

The pandemic brought the world to its knees, and student body across the globe also suffered as massive school closures were reported around the world. Many schools and educations systems across the nation found composure by offering online classes and adapting to distance learning models. 

However, this has deeply impacted students, and many are not sure about changes would be introduced in the future to facilitate the general loss and disdain which the education industry is witnessing at present.   

According to a recent study by the Economic Policy Institute, during the first wave of the pandemic’s crisis, around 55 million US school children under the age of 18 years were asked to stay at homes. 

Around the globe, that figure was around 1.4 billion students who were out of school and child care. Children lost not only their access to a safe learning environment but also demise in group activities, recreational options, and team sports, to name a few.

In light of this information, let’s take a quick look at the challenges which schools and children would face in the present and post-pandemic era. 

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7 Tricks to Writing When You’re not in the Mood

Writer’s block is a real thing, and no matter how good you are at writing, there are certain times where you just cannot bring yourself to write. There are several factors due to which you feel distracted or simply not in the mood to write. It happens to everyone, the experts, novices, and beginners! 

Whether you are writing content for your blog, writing your book, or a research paper, at times, it gets difficult even to complete one single sentence. No matter how urgent the deadline, you become distracted by the smallest things like sleep, food, or simply a text message. These distractions can be trouble for a writer. 

There are moments where you can write a lot in a little time, while someday it gets hard to even focus on what you have to write. If you are facing such a problem or find yourself too distracted to concentrate, here are a few tips that you can follow to stay consistent and focused: 

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How to Improve Your Mental Health in Times of COVID-19?

The coronavirus disease has led to the temporary shutdown of learning institutions and businesses across the world. People are either working from home or waiting for health and government officials to give directions.

During this time, it’s normal to feel stressed and anxious. COVID-19 has changed our lifestyles completely. And all this happened rapidly. You need to manage your mental health as it is vital to your wellbeing. Apart from washing our hands, social distancing, and staying at home, there are a lot of things that we can do to improve our health in times of COVID-19. Here are some of the best tips that will help you cope with stress and anxiety during this period.

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Writing Skills Activities for Special Children

Children with special needs require someone to walk the extra mile to help them improve. Whether you’re a teacher or a parent, it’s your job to explore different options in helping these children learn more and acquire new skills. You need you to find the right tools, resources, and activities they could make use of. One of the things they need to work on is their writing skills.

We’ve decided to help you find the right way to help special children improve their writing. Below, you’ll find a list of useful writing skills activities for special children.  They’ll make it easier for them to work on their writing and become better at it every day.

Let’s take a closer look at each of the activities.

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