Posts Tagged ‘inclusion of students with disabilities’

Everyday Echolalia

“We are all much more simply human than otherwise, be we happy and successful, contented and detached, miserable and mentally disordered, or whatever.” – Harry Stack Sullivan

Not many people have ever heard of it but the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) 5, (American Psychiatric Association 2013) is used by paediatricians and psychiatrists world wide as an aid to diagnosis. In the DSM, ‘echolalia’ (immediate or delayed) is listed as a significant symptom leading to a diagnosis of autistic syndrome disorder (ASD). The DSM describes echolalia as an example of a repetitive pattern of behaviour that may include verbatim repetition of words, phrases or more extensive parts of dialogue or songs. The DSM says that these utterances do not appear to be relevant to the current situation. Echoing (echolalia) is seen as a symptom of an underlying condition, a sign that something is wrong.

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Why Inclusion?

Why Inclusion? We’ll tell you in our new online course, explaining the importance of inclusion and why we believe in it, available on Teachable for a small price

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Person Centred Planning – One Page Plans

Person Centred Planning – One Page Plans-  delivered by Colin Newton and Claire Darwin PEP of Suffolk CC. Training went down well and was greatly appreciated by mainly secondary pastoral staff, college practitioners and family workers.

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The Ups of Downs Warwickshire – Circle of Friends for secondary schools

Rich training day in Warwickshire for staff and parents of secondary age young people with Downs Syndrome. Colin and Derek offered training on inclusion and the Circle of Friends approach. UPS OF DOWNS – very impressive campaigning group – speaking up for the right to life, inclusive education – as well as the tremendous value of citizens with Downs in our communities and families.

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Colin Newton

0115 955 6045

Suzanne Hawkes

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