Induction of Personal Assistants for Students with complex communication and learning needs

Here are a few thoughts on the induction of PAs who have complex communication systems and may also have different ways of learning and relating to others.

  1. Make sure expectations and tasks very clear
  2. Establish clear goals
  3. Clarify personal and professional boundaries from the start
  4. Allow PA to meet wider team members including involved therapists
  5. Clarify house rules
  6. Identify training needs
  7. Establish back up plan if PA not available
  8. Work on how PA with be involved as a ‘Communication Partner’ with young person – teaching them relevant communication skills and process

  1. Work on the use of person centred language
  2. Introduce social model of disability as opposed to medical model
  3. Provide series of supervision sessions from independent other who understands social model of disability and inclusion values – develop an inclusion heart and mindset – these are offered by Inclusive Solutions 
  4. Introduce to Social inclusion and intentional building of relationship style work
  5. Give them time with experienced inclusion facilitators such as offered by Inclusive Solutions 

Contact Us

Colin Newton

0115 955 6045

Doug Newton

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