Friendship Pack



Format: Books/Video Download/Wand

Description: Two books a great Video Download and a magic wand – what more do you need to intentionally build relationships around those who will find friendship the most challenging? £57 that’s over 20% saving on the individual items bought separately.

Books/Video Download/Wand Seeing the Charade: What We Need to Do and Undo to Make Friendships Happen by Carol Tashie, Susan Shapiro-Barnard, and Zach Rossetti. Conclusion by Jamie Burke First the good news. The world is starting to catch on to what so many of us have been saying for decades – friendship matters for everyone. Mastering maths or knowing how to cook a meal is all well and good, but without people to share your life, they are hollow treasures indeed. Friendship is what makes the world go ’round and everyone needs and deserves full and rich social lives. Now for the bad news. For far too many students with disabilities, loneliness is still their most common complaint. Despite our recognition of the importance of relationships and belonging, many students still do not have real friends. And many of the strategies we use to solve this problem, not only fail, but actually make the situation worse. But now there is a book that offers some help. Seeing the Charade: What We Need to Do and Undo to Make Friendships Happen looks at the reasons why real friendship is such an elusive goal for so many disabled students. It explores the barriers to friendship that exist in our schools and communities and offers some suggestions on how to overcome these barriers. And it offers specific strategies of how we all can support the students we know and love to have the kinds of social lives they want and deserve.

Creating Circles of Friends By Colin Newton and Derek Wilson This is a revised version of the original text by the authors: ‘Circles of Friends’. The book is a must for anyone interested in building friendships and relationships around those vulnerable or challenging through reason of disability or emotional need. Building respectful teams of support around an individual, tapping into that child’s peer group is an extremely powerful way of promoting change and insights for all involved. Circle of friends is ultimately a tool for inclusion and is based on solid values as well as practical processes. The book describes both the values and the practical application of this approach to human change. What is more the approach works!

Circles of Friends Video Download Created By Colin Newton and Derek Wilson – with video footage contributed from students, parents and young people. An inclusive approach to meeting emotional and behavioural needs

This Video Download provides:

  • Three field video recordings of real Circles of Friends in action in schools with young people reflecting on their time together and their developing relationships
  • Training slides describing the Circle of Friends process
  • Photos of ‘graphics’ that have been used in schools and in training to support the creation of circles of friends

Circle of Friends is an approach to enhancing the inclusion, in a mainstream setting, of any young person who is experiencing difficulties in school because of a disability, personal crisis or because of their challenging behaviour towards others. The ‘circle of friends’ approach works by mobilising the young person’s peers to provide support and engage in problem solving with the person in difficulty. ‘Circle of friends’ is not the same as ‘circle time’ but many of the skills and techniques used by teachers in ‘circle time’ can be used to support the ‘circle of friends’ process. Over the past 10 years Colin Newton and Derek Wilson have been encouraging the use of ‘circle of friends’ in a wide variety of primary and secondary schools, often with very successful outcomes, some of which are described in their book ‘Creating Circles of Friends’ (also included in the pack). This is an excellent opportunity to learn from Colin Newton and Derek Wilson the educational psychologists who brought this Department for Children, Schools and Families endorsed approach to the UK Learn how to build teams around challenging pupils by drawing on a resource which is always there…. other children.

Magic Wand Perfect ‘listening stick’ the magic wand can be used by adult and pupil groups to indicate who’ turn it is to speak. The wand also introduces a little ‘magic’ into the speaker’s contribution! Inclusive Solutions trainers regularly use this item, and it comes highly recommended. Use at training events, staff meetings, Circle time meetings and Circle of Friends gatherings.  

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