Communications Skills for Leaders

Whatever your position in the team, good communications skills are vital. They are at the centre of every work place interaction and can make a real difference to your work environment. Here’s a worthwhile day to increase your skills in this area. These skills will not only help your personal growth but they will increase job satisfaction and in turn relationships with adults and children.

Course Category

Team Building and Leadership
Visioning and Problem Solving
Strategic Work
Early Years


“The leaders who work most effectively, it seems to me, never say ‘I’. And that’s not because they have trained themselves not to say ‘I’. They don’t think ‘I’. They think ‘we’; they think ‘team’. They understand their job to be to make the team function. They accept responsibility and don’t sidestep it, but ‘we’ gets the credit…. This is what creates trust, what enables you to get the task done.”

Peter Drucker.

Whatever your position in the team, good communications skills are vital. They are at the centre of every work place interaction and can make a real difference to your work environment. Here’s a worthwhile day to increase your skills in this area. These skills will not only help your personal growth but they will increase job satisfaction and in turn relationships with adults and children. With these new skills you will also increase your abilities in co-operative partnerships and network building.

Communication is at the core of what you do; it’s how we influence people. We use it for persuading others, creating alliances, gaining support, motivating others and teaching. Being good at communicating with others will allow you to influence them and this in turn will make you more effective whilst making your job easier.

A lot of our time at work consists of acting, taking or giving instructions. Past research shows that lack of good communication at the work place is not uncommon. This has a high cost including tension amongst staff and lower trust levels and effectiveness. Problems can be caused when communication problems result in instructions being misinterpreted. A simple discussion can be turned into a conflict just by poor communication.

What communication skills are needed in the 21st century for the most effective leaders and managers of schools, colleges and early years settings?

Would the following qualities make sense to you in describing your communication with staff, parents and your wider community?

  • a high concern for both people and outcomes
  • a style motivated by relationship building
  • the flexibility to change leadership styles depending on the challenge
  • the ability to follow as well as lead
  • a team leadership style<
  • able to communicate and engage the emotional support of staff
  • quiet leadership with restraint, modesty and tenacity

Perhaps you would add to or challenge this list of attributes?

  • How do you deal with ‘yes buts’ and those who don’t do what you ask them to do?
  • How do you motivate?
  • How do you encourage?

During this training we will explore your communication in a range of challenging situations and build consensus around desirable communication skills.


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Learning Objectives

  1. To explore effective communication skills for leaders and managers
  2. Self reflection and feedback opportunities
  3. To develop and extend your repertoire of communication skills
  4. Deepen your understanding of team members who don’t do what you ask and expect them to do

Who Is It For ?

Leaders and managers of schools, colleges and early years settings

Course Content

  • Exploration of typical challenging situations- skill practice
  • Building Shared Vision for communication
  • Opportunities to develop and extend your communication skills for leadership in a safe environment

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Colin Newton

0115 955 6045

Suzanne Hawkes

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