Mental Health – Understanding and Meeting Needs
In this course we explore Mental Health and address how such needs can be met in mainstream classrooms.
Course Category
Behaviour and Relationships
Meeting Emotional Needs
This is our lead workshop/training day on understanding mental health, behaviour and relationship work in schools other settings and is both a values primer and a practical guide to successful innovative strategies for improving behaviour and strengthening relationships for challenging children and young people of all ages.
Not just another day on ‘Behaviour Management’ – Our Mental Health Day goes well beyond a rewards and sanctions approach to ‘behaviour’. We will be focused on those young people for whom rewards and punishments do not always work and who confuse the adults who work with them. We aim to take a relationships-based approach and to give those attending an opportunity to think more deeply about why young people do the things they do and what our part as adults is in creating, sustaining and changing these behaviours.
The day gives those present opportunities to reflect on their attitudes and practice in relation to children’s behaviour and relationship building.
If your usual approaches to managing tackling mental health needs aren’t working with particular individuals then take a tour through this range of cutting edge strategies for bringing about positive behaviour change, and for meeting challenging emotional needs
Learning Objectives
- reinforce and affirm good practice
- re-energise, stimulate and challenge thinking about inclusion of challenging pupils and children
- increased understanding of mental health
- increased confidence in managing challenging pupils in mainstream schools
- access to a wider range of practical strategies to impact on behaviour problems
- opportunity to reflect on professional attitudes and behaviour towards mental health in families and pupils
Who Is It For ?
Anyone concerned with understanding and meeting emotional and mental health needs
Course Content
- Circle of Courage – belonging-achievement-generosity – independence – model for understanding mental health
- Compass of Anxiety – understanding and going deeper
- Active listening – Listening to the person underneath the behaviour
- Involving other children and young people in solutions and interventions - Circles of friends: peer support, counselling and mediation
- Team Problem Solving – Solution Circles: a 30 minute group problem solving process to get Teams ‘unstuck’ and to generate positive first action steps
- Restorative justice and restitution: principles and practice of this approach to repairing harm and restoring relationships without reliance on punishment
- Understanding the effects of Separation, Loss, Trauma and Neglect on children’s learning and relationships in school and what adults can do to reach and support these children
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