Archive for March, 2019

Seeking Hope and Honesty

We cannot afford the luxury of despair

Person centred planning using group facilitated processes such as MAP and PATH were originally created in North America and Canada by Jack Pearpoint, Marsha Forest, John O’Brien and colleagues. These planning processes have an amazing way of and eliciting honest exchanges and mobilising hope in the most difficult and challenging of situations. We at Inclusive Solutions after learning and facilitating such processes for over 20 years are still feeling the privilege of trusting a way of working that can truly engender hope and honesty. What other processes can really be relied upon to do this with any degree of success? How does this come about? What are we learning?

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Inclusion Now Magazine

Communication and Relationships – Colin Newton

Many young people who do not use spoken language to communicate want friends and positive relationships with those other youngsters they associate with.
Often times the same young people have intensive work from very thoughtful therapists and educators attempting to create technological as well as lower tech communication systems for their use. What is often striking is that the communication systems are not being used by other young people, only professionals trained in their use. The young person themselves can also sometimes seem reluctant to make use of them until confronted by the AAC teacher or Speech and Language Therapist. Many technical and even paper systems rely on 1: 1 exchange rather than for group participation. All this can be confusing and frustrating for all involved.
Friendships and social inclusion with other young people requires communication of some form and non-verbals only take us so far. After all -children go to school to be included by other children not just by the adults. Many times, we have encouraged families and educators to be intentional about building relationships, to create conditions in which friendship can grow. Our Circle of friends work is probably the most well recognised approach to this both in the UK and Eastern Europe. The approach depends upon a group of young people recruited through empathy building who want to create change around a focus student, doing whatever it will take to have invitations, phone calls and social media glow around them.

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Unconscious Bias Workshop

Naomi Williams on her first outing for Inclusive Solutions carries out delicate and sensitive training on tackling unconscious bias towards racism  and other forms of prejudice. Well received from the Nursery team from deepest Bermondsey – as you can hear.

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Great Book Review


Review of PCP Together book

Aimed at the practitioner, this resource is a must have for those wishing to run and be involved with Person-Centred Planning. The resource covers a wide range of PCP approaches, including MAPS, PATHs and One-Page Profiles, amongst others. Each is brought to life with examples, practical ideas and beautifully vibrant illustrations that engage the reader from start to finish. Useful as both a practical resource as well as a reference book, it will prove invaluable to anyone interested in PCP. This will certainly be a key resource on our programme and a must have resource for all other training programmes and practitioners who wish to adopt a person-centred approach to planning and assessment.

Dr Nick Hammond, Programme Director, Doctorate in Educational Psychology, University of East Anglia (UEA)

‘Person Centred Planning Together’ Book reviewed positively in Educational Psychology in Practice – this month!

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Colin Newton

0115 955 6045

Doug Newton

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