Chairing Meetings

This training is aimed at developing the skills and knowledge of anyone who has to chair meetings.

Chairing Meetings

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Course Category

Team Building and Leadership

Visioning and Problem Solving

Strategic Work

Online Course now available via Teachable Platform – Chairing Meetings

Learn at your own pace… lots of text and video support

We specialise in autism in mainstream schools, inclusion of students with disabilities, education psychology, autism education, community building and training on inclusion.


Meetings can be dreadful and bad chairing makes them worse.

On this day we look at transformational person centred approaches to approaching the chairing of meetings. We provide deeper insights into the psychological processes that make this role challenging. ‘Best Saves’ for those really difficult moments when chairing meetings are creatively explored. We provide a practical, skill based and creative approach best delivered over 2 days.


One of the most valuable things I have come across in the whole year”

Learning Objectives

  • To identify characteristics of meetings that matter- what excellent chairing looks like
  • To strengthen person centred dimensions to chairing meetings
  • To clarify the meetings we never want to be part of
  • To create a visual graphic and words that uniquely illuminate what great meetings and chairing looks like
  • To explore the various hats that group members and chairs can wear
  • For participants to improve their chairing skills by receiving feedback
  • To explore how to bring creativity into stuck meetings
  • To Explore psychodynamic processes of resistance, projection, splitting and transference- as well as how to process these dynamics

Who Is It For?

  • Anyone who has to chair meetings

Course Content

  • Setting a Good tone/Exploring the ‘whole elephant’ – story so far of experience in chairing meetings – good and bad meetings – graphiced timeline and highs and lows of story so far
  • Meetings I do not want – negative chairing….
  • Thinking Hats and Values – linked to role of chair – where are hats when things are going well and where are they when things are not?
  • Our shared vision for great meetings and excellent chairing?
  • Personal planning for future chairing – what do I need to get better at – what should I manage?
  • Specific skill teaching – re when things go wrong – eg tears, personal attacks, talking in side conversations, silent members, lack of contribution, anger and so on…‘best saves’ explored with group – using live role play – with one chair
  • Solution Circle demonstration – chairing skills/problem solving modelled – approach when teams stuck…
  • Emotional elements of chairing – ‘its not personal’ – splitting, projection, transference explored and ‘handling projections’ activity
  • Vision and Road Blocks – small groups chaired and minuted – creative problem solving – Blocks to vision of great meetings creatively removed or worked around

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Colin Newton

0115 955 6045

Suzanne Hawkes

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