Embedding SEAL Materials in Schools

Mental Health – Meeting emotional needs in Schools

This training gives an opportunity to focus on how to embed effective approaches to meeting emotional needs in schools. We explore  a range of ways into meeting emotional needs of pupils across a school. We focus on including pupils with extreme emotional needs.

Course Category

Meeting emotional needs


This training gives an opportunity to focus on how to embed relevant ideas and  materials in schools. We explore how to make these materials really come to life as we explore a range of ways into meeting emotional needs of pupils across a school. We focus on including pupils with extreme emotional needs. There are lots of opportunities for personal and professional reflection on engagement with challenging pupils as we provide processes to support reflection, visioning and problem solving.


‘Thank you so much for the work you did with us yesterday – I have since been in 2 schools today and have spoken to an number of other colleagues who were present – all were totally overwhelmed by the session – they loved it.”

Nottingham SEAL Coordinator

“I was totally blown away, when I realised how passionate people were about SEAL”

“So nice to reflect and realise what a long way we have come”

“That was so powerful and motivational”.’

Learning Objectives

  1. Shared vision of a school that is truly meeting all social and emotional needs
  2. Access to a wider range of practical strategies to impact on meeting emotional and behaviour problems
  3. Deeper understanding of how to embed positive Mental Health approaches in a school
  4. Opportunity to reflect on professional attitudes and behaviour towards children with emotional challenge

Who Is It For?

  • All practitioners who are leading on Mental Health work in schools or on behalf of a Local Authority
  • Full range of agencies committed to meeting social and emotional needs in schools

Course Content

The training explores the questions:

  • What would a school look like when Mental Health  was truly part of everything that was happening, a shared vision?
  • How can we truly embed Mental Health approaches and  materials in our school?
  • What can we do to meet complex and challenging emotional needs in schools?
  • Can we learn a process to understand at a deeper level highly complex social and emotional needs?

This training will cover:

  • Bringing positive Mental Health approaches to life in schools: creating a shared vision and a set of grounded goals together
  • Circle of Adults process for self-reflection and understanding emotional needs of high profile pupils. We will model and teach how this process links in and strengthens PSHE work in schools.

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Colin Newton

0115 955 6045

Suzanne Hawkes


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