Writing Inclusion Policies

Inclusion Policies

This day is relevant to anyone involved in the task of developing an Inclusion Policy. How to create a real policy built around shared vision with true community commitment. Participate in this very practical workshop to take your first very real steps forward. The day gives those present opportunities to reflect on their attitudes and practice in relation to the inclusion of pupils who are different and the policy and practice which currently exist.

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Transition Strategies

Transition Strategies

One of the most frequent telephone queries we receive at Inclusive Solutions is from parents whose disabled son or daughter is about to make the transition from Primary to Secondary School. Typically there is a tale to be told of LA planning procedures that are too little and too late, and a severe lack of confidence from all parties that the transition will be successful. Little wonder that transfers from mainstream to special schools continue to peak at Year 7!

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Support and Supervision for Leaders

Support and Supervision for Leaders

Many leaders and managers working on the front line of inclusion lack emotional support from Local Authority staff or anyone else despite the challenging nature of their work. There is a massive need for active listening, containment and opportunities to problem solve and reflect confidentially with someone trusted.

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School Improvement Planning

School Improvement Planning

Give your team the opportunity to pause and reflect on what matters most to them about the work they do. The act of listening to each other creates relationship and strengthens trust and inclusion within the team – in creating a shared vision, groups of people build a sense of commitment together. Using the PATH or MAP processes of group facilitation and the creating of a large wall sized graphic we will provide a School Improvement Plan to be proud of! 

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Restorative Justice

Restorative Justice

A “Restorative Solution” is a non-adversarial approach to conflict resolution where the person who has done something wrong in a given situation becomes accountable to those s/he has harmed. This person is then given the opportunity to “make up” for their inappropriate behaviour through agreement and reparation. An intervention can involve a formal conference, or it can be a simple conversation on a corridor or playground.

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Pupil Participation: Listening to the Powerful Voice of Young People

Pupil Participation: Listening to the Powerful Voice of Young People

Local authorities are being encouraged to seek the views of young people in relation to the services they receive. Schools and the whole range of support services (e.g. behaviour support, youth offending teams, social services, CAMHS etc.) are being expected to routinely ask young people for their views. This goes beyond involving young people in plans that concern them e.g care plans, individual education plans, pastoral support plans etc.

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Colin Newton

0115 955 6045

Doug Newton


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