Person Centred Planning Training

Person Centred Planning (PCP) is a powerful tool for visioning, future planning and team building. It gets everyone on the same page and creates a progressive, constructive atmosphere so it is especially useful for people who are feeling ‘stuck’ or in a really desperate situation. The PCP processes we teach are called “PATH” and “MAPs”, and are both used for different situations. 

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Person Centred Planning for Looked After Children

All person centred planning tools and processes are driven by a commitment to achieve inclusive outcomes for the person whose plan it is, and the young people involved are always present throughout their planning session. The focus of all person centred approaches is the whole person irrespective of the label they carry. Two people, a process facilitator and a graphic facilitator, typically facilitate plans. 

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Inclusion Facilitation

Inclusion Facilitation (IF) is an approach to enhancing the inclusion, in a mainstream community of any child or young person who is experiencing difficulties in the world because of disability, personal crisis or because of their challenging behaviour towards others. Inclusion Facilitation is designed to create a better life for an individual by the provision of an intense input designed to being about social change. This usually entails a series of visits focused on getting the person out and about to increase confidence, social skills and presence in their local community and to pursue goals and dreams.

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Transition Strategies

Transition Strategies

One of the most frequent telephone queries we receive at Inclusive Solutions is from parents whose disabled son or daughter is about to make the transition from Primary to Secondary School. Typically there is a tale to be told of LA planning procedures that are too little and too late, and a severe lack of confidence from all parties that the transition will be successful. Little wonder that transfers from mainstream to special schools continue to peak at Year 7!

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School Improvement Planning

School Improvement Planning

Give your team the opportunity to pause and reflect on what matters most to them about the work they do. The act of listening to each other creates relationship and strengthens trust and inclusion within the team – in creating a shared vision, groups of people build a sense of commitment together. Using the PATH or MAP processes of group facilitation and the creating of a large wall sized graphic we will provide a School Improvement Plan to be proud of! 

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Person Centred Approaches in Schools

Following new participatory expectations of the DfE and the SEN Code of Practice 2014 this course will provide participants with an introduction to person centred planning and approaches, including examples of best practice in using person centred approaches in schools. This work is directly relevant to EHCP development and Annual Reviews. The course will explore the underlying values of person centred approaches, provide an introduction to the person centred planning tools and link this to national policy and guidance.

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Contact Us

Colin Newton

0115 955 6045

Suzanne Hawkes

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